Shining the light on… Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 and Texaco Gear Oil GL-5

In this installment of our product focus series, we turn the spotlight on Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 and Texaco Gear Oil GL-5 automotive gear lubricants that offer a variety of benefits to users.
Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 is a series of proven performance automotive gear lubricants that are suitable for American Petroleum Institute (API) GL-4 applications, formulated with mineral base oils in combination with selected additive systems. The lubricants are available in two viscosity grades: SAE 80W and SAE 80W-90, and meet API, Bosch and ZF specification standards.
Texaco Gear Oil GL-5 is a series of automotive gear lubricants that are suitable for API GL-5 applications. These lubricants are also formulated with mineral base oils in combination with selected additive systems. Texaco Gear Oil GL-5 meets API and Bosch specification standards, and is available in viscosity grades SAE 80W-90 and SAE 85W-140.
What are the benefits for users?
Among the benefits of each product range, the additive systems offer effective engine protection to critical components, help to reduce scuffing and wear, whilst their robust shear stability also helps to maintain viscosity throughout the oil’s service life.
Even in the coldest temperatures, Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 and GL-5 to helps to keep transmissions running smoothly. This is made possible thanks to low temperature fluidity, which promotes rapid oil circulation during cold start-up. and helps to protect system components.
On which vehicles should they be used?
Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 is recommended for use in automotive transmissions, transaxles, steering systems and hypoid drive axles, which require a fluid with API GL-4 performance. In addition, the friction characteristics of the Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 product range make them suitable for use in many synchronised manual transmissions.
Texaco Gear Oil GL-5 products are designed for use in automotive hypoid drive axles, steering systems, non-synchronized transmissions and transaxles, which require a fluid with API GL-5 performance.
As always, we would advise users to refer to the manufacturer’s literature for further details, to determine whether Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 or GL-5 is compatible with their vehicles or machinery.
To find out more about Texaco Gear Oil GL-4 and Texaco Gear Oil GL-5, please visit: Texaco products