How to prepare a compressor for cleaning with Texaco VARTECH Industrial System Cleaner

How to prepare a compressor for cleaning with Texaco VARTECH Industrial System Cleaner How to prepare a compressor for cleaning with Texaco VARTECH Industrial System Cleaner

Maintaining a healthy oil system is vital for the smooth operation of rotary screw aircompressors (RSACs).


Varnish buildup from oil degradation can cause serious problems. Some types of varnish are hard and tenacious, others sticky, and still others soft and thick, commonly referred to as sludge. What they have in common, however, is that they typically originate from the breakdown or degradation of the oil in the system. Varnish usually forms and sticks in areas that are either very hot or very cool and stagnant.

Varnish is triggered in various ways. In general, the cycle of varnish begins with something that upsets the stability of the lubricant, usually a thermal event, such as excessive heat. This causes the oil to start degrading and impurities to start forming. For a long time, those impurities stay dissolved in the oil and don’t cause any harm. As more and more accumulate, however, they begin to stick together, forming insoluble, suspended submicron particles. Ultimately, these particles become polarised, or electrically attracted to metal surfaces. When they start sticking to those surfaces, they become varnish.
Technology solutions such as Texaco VARTECH can be powerful tools to help clean varnish from a system, combat future varnish buildup and restore compressor performance. However, the proper use of Texaco VARTECH Industrial System Cleaner (ISC) is essential for optimal cleaning, as is correct preparation. Here are some of our top recommendations.


Before You Begin

Start, if possible, by taking an oil sample for analysis. This helps to determine the best course of action. We would also recommend taking pictures of the compressor element for reference. Next, gather data such as ambient temperature, intake temperature, oil temperature, pressure, and RPM (revolutions per minute) before, during, and after cleaning. Ideally, also collecting oil samples at the following intervals:


  • Before adding VARTECH Industrial System Cleaner (ISC)
  • After one hour of running with Vartech ISC
  • After 24 hours of running with Vartech ISC (optional)
  • After 48 hours of running with Vartech ISC (optional)
  • Before draining the mixture
  • After running one hour with fresh oil


Running the compressor for a few minutes with a minimal amount of fresh oil is highly recommended as it flushes out any remaining varnish along with the old oil.


By following these steps, and using Texaco VARTECH ISC, in conjunction with one of Texaco’s premium compressor oils, such as Cetus® VDL, Cetus HiPerSyn®, or Cetus PAO you will help to remove and, in some cases, prevent, varnish buildup from your compressor and increase performance. Remember, proper procedure and attention to detail are crucial for a successful cleaning process.

Find out more information on Texaco VARTECH 

This article was written by Chevron technologists in collaboration with industry experts and global thought leaders.

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